The Paper Kit has been updated with the current poster board dimensions.

Invitation Letter on GlobalSIP 2016 Letterhead

If you would like an invitation confirming registration on GlobalSIP 2016 letterhead in order to begin the travel-visa application process, you may request such a letter by clicking on the link below. Invitation Letters can be sent by email at no cost, or a hardcopy sent by express-post can be requested during registration. A fee is charged for the express-mailed invitation in order to cover the postage costs.

Request an Invitation Letter (confirming an existing registration)

Paper Preparation

If this is your first time to submit a paper to GlobalSIP 2016, please read the entire paper kit carefully to verify that your paper document is formatted correctly and that you have all the information you need before starting your paper submission. The paper kit contains detailed instructions on formatting your document and completing the submission process, as well as a description of how the review process works and how to prepare for your presentation at the conference if your paper is accepted.

If you are a returning author, you should review the paper kit, and note that the paper kit contains expanded information about the review process and preparing for a presentation at GlobalSIP 2016.

GlobalSIP 2016 requires that each accepted paper be presented by one of the authors in-person at the conference site according to the schedule published. Any paper accepted into the technical program, but not presented on-site will be withdrawn from the official proceedings archived on IEEE Xplore.

It is encouraged to include discussions on how your contributions are related to prior work in the field. It is important to put new work in context, to give credit to foundational work, and to provide details associated with the previous work that has appeared in the literature. It is not required that the discussion of relation to prior work be in a separate section, but the discussion must appear in the paper. An optional 5th page may be included, but that page may contain only references.

Online Paper Submission

See the Frequently Asked Questions section in the paper kit.

The revision period for accepted papers is from August 20 until September 30, 2016. Revised papers will not be taken before or after this period. Revisions MAY NOT change the title or the author list.

Revise an accepted paper (Until September 30, 2016)

Check Status

Check paper submission status (or request a withdraw)

Copyright Form

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